
Saturday, 25 April 2009

Wizard head - My first head & pendant update... lol

Picture is a little fuzzy because my husband is holding him and all he ever does is shake ... lol.
Anyway, here's my wizards head without any ears... lol. I wont give him ears because he's going to have long hair and a hat. I sat for hours last night into the early hours making him and still have more work to do creating wrinkes and folds etc.
My only trouble is i can't make the hands. No matter how hard i try the fingers keep breaking off. If anyone knows of an online hand tutorial could you let me know. I dont want the hands to be so detailed i'll end up even more frustrated, but something simple would be great.
Hope you like him. I'm quite proud of my first head and tomorrow when the boys are fishing i can work on him more.
As you can also see i've toned down the shine on the tree face pendant. He was too glossy last night.


  1. Nikki, Hes fab already. Did you get the book the same as mine? On Julie Campbell's website there is a great tutorial for hands, im going to have a go myself making an arm coming out of the trunk in Sweeneys barber shop .

    Also I seem to remember there are tutoriasl for hands and feet and faces on on the CDHM tutorial site. Just check and the hand one is also by Julie!
    Have fun and Im sure hell be amazing. I love the wizard in that book and love the idea of using polymer to even make the hair, clothes, staff etc.
    Good Luck
    Kate xx

  2. Nikki for your first attempt in the words of Ronald Weasley "Bloody Brilliant".. LOL

  3. They are both brilliant Nikki. I have a hand tut on my site as well
    Julies work is wonderful shes done some really good wizards and witches.
    Cant wait to see it finished.

    Debie xx

  4. Hi Nikki..
    At last I get to visit some of my favorite blogs....
    I LOVE this little head...and it is wonderful for your very first will be amazed now at how each grows and gets a little better...this is the very fast learning stage ...enjoy! Since this is your first...I won't rag on you too much about not putting on ears...LOL!!! I am a stickler about that...even if they are never seen...the head is never complete without one!
    Hands are not as difficult as they with anything you will in time learn little tricks and techniques to create the perfect little hands... I am sure there are several tutorials our there on the Net...everyone has their own method...pick which is right for you. I will eventually put up our Hand Lessons from our DVD's on Youtube. If you have questions etc...please write to me via my email

    GREAT Job


  5. They are both wonderful sculpts...looking forward to the wizard, hope there will be more pics as he developes....hope thats not too cheeky a request:O)

  6. Thank you everyone for all your nice comments, advice and help with the start of my sculpting.
    Its ever so daunting starting and so far this evening i've spent hours and hours just working on the lips which are still not tight.
    Thank you all also for the great link. I've checked out the previous two and now of to check at debies from piskies and poppets.

  7. I think your wizard is off to a brilliant start! Love the pendant too!


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