
Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Little wooden bezels on etsy link. A must see!

While i am no longer making miniatures, thought i would still share miniature info as and when i can.

Here is a link to the shop called brightcolourart:

Yesterday i was browsing etsy searching for metal, stone and wooden bezels i can use in felting to display miniature art, even jewellery and buttons to use on my felting i came accross these beautiful bezels that can be used for miniatures and in particular food or even witches potion scenes. So i have contacted the seller and asked if i could post here, which they were happy with.
The bezels are various sizes/shapes and made from mahogany, cherry wood, purpleheart and various other woods. They are beautifully made and the scale and thickness of each piece is perfect for 1;12 miniatures.

Here is the link to the etsy shop: called brightcolorart


  1. Thanks Nikki. I agree they look perfect.

  2. I took a close look at these, Nikki, and they would make perfect little trays for cheese and fruit and such. Thanks for sharing the link. I've made it a favorite. Looks like they often have them for sale.

  3. cool, could probably think of a billion purposes for these

  4. Thanks for sharing this link Nicky, these do look perfect! :)

    Warm hugs, Jollie

  5. thanks nikki! these are beautiful:)


  6. Thanks for the link, Nikki.
    And I have one for you too, maybe you found him yourself already, searching etsy, but if not, here is a man who makes really beautiful wooden buttons by hand:
    I think he takes great pride in his work as do you and your felting deserves it;-)


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