
Thursday, 2 December 2010

The finished Igloo... so cool!

The finished Igloo - Have spent 6 hours today making this with Patrick. We're going out there later with hot chocolate and rugs... i wont be staying long because its freezing. We cheated with the roof and put lots of wood accross and plastic sheeting.

Patrick in the new abode. Decided id had enough of being cold and so staying in! Nobody else will go out and sit either.


  1. Yay! Your choice of "roofing" is probablt safer than all snowblocks but still, it's amazing! Take a couple of rugs out...don't freeze your keister

  2. lol It DOES look great! Great idea with the roof!

    Hot chocolate and rugs? Hmm I wonder how long you will brave the cold weather?! :o))

    Have fun!
    Michelle xxx

  3. This is SO cool!!! must take lots of pics!

  4. LOL Nikki can just imagine you, snuggled up in there, with a thick blanket. You've obviously had great fun today..I bet the local Wildlife will love it. They can use it as a shelter. xxx

  5. Hard work indeed Nikki but what a great way to spend the day. plus you have a fabulous snowman too. You have made the snow fun for you all!

    We have snow too now but my family only view it as a messy, cold inconvenience, they have lost their sense of adventure!

  6. Yeh Great!, years ago I doing that with my son, nice snow photo's.

  7. btw...I stupidly forgot to are a GREAT MOM to spend the time doing that with your son. What memories you've made today!

  8. A perfect igloo! Have fun drinking hot chocolate there!:)

  9. Glad you all like the iglooe. Thank you for your comments.

    Susan, all we did was argue and moan at each other all day and moaned about nobody else wanting to help. Some of the time we didnt argue, lol. I thinks it because we both think we are better at everything than each other. We are the same in the kitchen and moan about each others food too. But we worked hard through our moaning, shouted lots and finally finished. We keep looking out as the snow is now falling heavy and laying on top making it all white and crisp again.

  10. Quelle idée fantastique! Construire un igloo juste pour avoir le plaisir de déguster un chocolat chaud à l'intérieur!!! J'espère qu'il y aura une reconstitution de la scène en miniature!

  11. Looks Fantastic,

    Wish I lived in a Snowy environment again so I could do stuff like that with my daughters.

    Just Fantastic


  12. Danwin, we never normally get this much snow, nor this early in the year, so its a nice surprise and also a bit of a shock. All the schools are closed and there are snowmen everywhere... its really nice!

  13. Great igloo, and wonderful memories made, love the finishing touch with the candles inside.

  14. Looks like fun. I am going to show this blog post to my grandson and see if he wants to build one :)

    Victoria ♥

  15. Victoria. Try and get lots of people involved, its such hard work making all the snow bricks. If you look at the photo on the previous post you will see we used plastic boxes to make the bricks. Packs them down and really compact before tipping out, they come out like blocks of ice. We used, wood across the top, and some thick cardboard tubes. We found snow sticks very well to cardboard so try and lay flattened cardboard boxesover the wooden beams for the top. We can see the wood on the top from the inside only.
    Its really cools and will look forward to your pics if you make one too.


Thank you for your comment xxx