
Thursday, 4 November 2010

Dragon Bottles and Pumpkins.

As promised, some photos of the mini's i've made this week. I still have a batch of candles to complete and hoping to show these tomorrow.
My fave are the dragon bottles and the new wonky ones... will call these wonkies or wobblies, lol, not sure yet!
I'll pop all these and the candles in my etsy shop Sunday evening. I'll pop back when i have time and add measurements. The pumpkins are bigger than what i normally make. I like the ones on their side best too!
Made candy canes too... dont have a clue why, lol.

Nikki xxx


  1. I love the pumpkins on there sides especially xxxx

  2. I like the newest punkins...can anyone ever have too many??!! Are those eyeballs on the dragon bottles?? I have a you make all your mini eyeballs separately and then add? Like one would do with a doll? They look so perfect.

  3. The bottles are great! Pity I am not lucky in your shop lately ;) Surely there will be fast selling of everything. As usual :D

  4. You're right, the stalk nosed ones look amazing! They have great character to them. Congratulations on a fantastic blog, you must be so proud at your great work?


  5. Nicki, your pumpkin pots in the second photo remind me of three little children with that look of shock on their faces when they have just been caught doing something naughty!! LOL All fabalous minis as always :)
    Julia xxx

  6. Lol julia, they do dont they! Thinking of this reminds me when the boys were little and sat together with these exact faces.

  7. Hi Susan. yes they are eyeballs. Made them like little stoppers and painted the eyes, then glued in. They were the last after the bottles were fully finished.

  8. Thank you Ewa, glad you like them. They took me gaes to make but really pleased with them. xxx

  9. I love them all! And the sideways pumpkins are great!
    I know where I am on Sunday nights.

  10. Love the dragon bottles! And the pumpkins on their sides :)

  11. My favorites are the Dragon Bottles with the eyeball stoppers! be there Sunday night.

    Victoria ā™„

  12. As always i can never pick a favourite as love them all! Beautiful colours and shapes. The eyeballs really make those bottles! Kate xxx

  13. Love them all as usual Nikki. Pumpkins seem to have become my new shoes - you can never have too many!

  14. oooooo i love all of them :P looks like a middle of the night alarm for me again :P it was such fun last time the thrill of the chase as they say....lets hope i snag something :D Linda x

  15. Fabulous, wonderful.....just love those dragon bottles and the pumpkin faces are so fantastic.They are well worth the time you spent on them..your hard work certainly shows x Julie

  16. Great work Nikki! I love the pumpkins! Their surprised expressions makes me think they just heard the words " pumpkin pie " lol .

  17. I love your new pumpkins with the stem as the nose, my neighbour did her real ones like that. Totally cool!

  18. Your pumpkins are so delightful!! Gotta love those little faces - every one tells a story :)
    I remember when I was little, drawing and writing very small on baby pumpkins with a pin, and when they matured the writing was there enlarged. My father wasn't impressed, but I kept doing it :)

  19. Nikki, they are so wonderful. Ther faces are so childish and naughty and they make me laugh out of merriment.Truly lovely! Hugs Rosanna

  20. Nikki is there anyway you could also add prices when you add measurments? The only reason I ask isIm sure one of the reasons I miss out with being quick enough to win anything is I spend a few secs trying to work out the conversion to pounds and seeing if I can afford the item before pressing that button! If I could work it out ahead of them going on it would make me faster to try and win something. Sad being on so frugal but this time of year Im only allowing myself a certain amount for my own minis . Kate xxx

  21. Kate,

    Etsy now lets you show prices in your own currency. I have mine set up so everything is in Ā£'s :o))

    Great mini's Nikki!!! :o))

    Michelle xxxx

  22. Thanks Michelle Ill have to look into that tomorrow as it will save me those valuable seconds :.) xxxx

  23. You are very talented, I love your work!

  24. These are all great! I love it!


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