
Friday, 8 October 2010

Time and etsy this evening!

Today i have had a few requests to purchase some of these minis before i list them on etsy. I am unable to do so because Ive already said in previous posts and this post all that is pictured will be listed this evening, so don't want to let people down.
I will make some more pumpkin pots with the faces and also some of the others that have had a lot of interest, plus some more skele bottles, candles with faces and items like that from last week. Will make these again in the next few weeks.
I'm not keen on commission work because I'm not very reliable with sticking to a time plan and prefer to make on a whim. I have promised a few people i will remake some items they missed but from now on can not take on any commissions.
I like to be free really to work with the materials i have and make on impulse.
Plus i have a terrible memory, even when i take notes, lol and get in a right pickle rembering what's what and who is who.

Thank you for all your replies as the best time to list Mini's. From what everyone says 9pm UK time seems about right. I'll try and list on Sunday evenings in the future but for now will stick to tonight for these listings.
I can't do Saturday evenings because X Factor is on that night (love it) and i also use Saturday night to snooze in front of TV with my blanket and pj's. Not a couch potato but Saturday night i book up the tv and get to hold the remote, lol. The kids and my husband are so selfish with the TV and hate me holding the controller... so book my slot!

Onto Mini's.

Will list 9pm UK this evening (Friday) and will pop back later to add more photos.

Pumpkins with faces A to G

Set A

Set B

Set C

Pumpkin Candles - 3 per set - I have 4 sets in total. They measure on average around 1cm in width.

Round bottom pumpkin pots A to C

Pumpkin pots with leaves.

Pumpkin pots A to F

Cloth top pumpkin jars with labels.

Sleeping Pumpkin


  1. Oooo Nikki they are so cute those pumpkin heads!!!
    your so clever!!!!!

  2. Nikki, I am so glad you won't be listing on saturday nights, I watch X Factor too :0) In fact, we watch Xfactor and then the recorded episode of Merlin straight after. I don't get the whole sofa to myself though, there are 4 of us all squashed up on it, with a homemade (Julia friendly)curry and a snuggly blanket. Great family time :0)
    Julia xxx
    PS. I love your new blog header picture :0)

  3. Its Strictly then Merlin here Saturdays and also the children are always up later so I couldnt concenrate ! Sundays are a good night, but Im sure it will be the same thing where I try to be quick but get to the end and its already sold!!!! Let the frustration begin!! Kate xxx

  4. Love the new lay out Nikki and your header. x

  5. Ooh Nikki these items are just beautiful. Love your new blog too.

  6. What are you doing to me Nikki - straight after Miniatura!! i will have to cite you when divorce hearings take place!!!

    Lovely pieces again. Can't wait for the fun.

    Saturday nights a no-no.....Strictly, X factor, Match of the Day!!!! My, my great times.

  7. Seems Saturday nights are out then, lol.
    I love snoozing and can never wait for saturday evening, plus bug everyone snoring.
    Glad you all like the new look blog too! I wont mention how much i cried when it was all in a right state and stayed up till 2am making it right again. Have tried to use this image at etsy too, but even though i stick to the image size required it wont let me have what i want and keeps coming up too big.
    Ever so proud i did this much, lol.
    Ooh Janice, hoep it dosnt get you into trouble!
    So funny!
    Nikki xxx

  8. Sunday nights are always slow around here so that's a good night for me, if I can just remember the time! And learn to be fast with the mouse :-/

    I really loved those candles with the faces but totally missed out. You simply must make lots more....please don't make me have to try to do it myself. I don't want a "Tabitha Tried but Failed"; I want a "Nikki Original"!

  9. Shoot! I am going to miss this one too! I will still be at work. I can't wait for Sundays to start.... Everything looks great. The blog is looking good. I really like the new photo at the top.

  10. Love the new look blog!!
    Enjoy your relaxing Saturday nights, Nikki - you deserve them!! It's impossible to please everyone around the world, and you are kind to even think of this :))

    Time to try out the 'fast fingers' on Etsy once again . . . :)))

  11. I see you fiddly with your blog last night, but I didn't have time to offer assistance...the matter of getting up for work the next morning. :o((

    Janice you made me laugh with your comment! lol Either that your hubby will suggest you work to fund your mini habit! :o)) lol

    Michelle xxxx

  12. Fiddling even! lol

    Michelle xx

  13. Esta selección es impresionante, muy variada.
    Shhh que la calbaza duerme. Me encanta todo tu trabajo.
    Este cambio de look en el blog está muy agradable para pasearlo.
    Besos Clara

  14. Hi Nikki, love the new look blog.Your bottles and jars are wonderful, the pumpkin ones with the little faces always make me smile:)as a lot of the others say Saturday nights are wind down time,Anna has a footie match every Saturday now shes in the under14's then its always a mad shopping afternoon.So its one kitty on my knee and one aside of me, David asleep on the other end of the sofa and Anna on tenderhooks watching X Factor.x Julie

  15. Its nice to hear everyones saturday nights are much like my own ad hearing what we all watch.
    Thats funny julie your daughter on tenderhooks at x factor... im like it too, lol.

    Saturdays are out then, i shall carry on having my snoozies!

  16. love your new banner nikki,looks perfect !
    Hmm I was planning to list my new ebay items tonight for a change , might not be such a good idea ! think we all treasure our saturday nights :0)

  17. oh, so cute !
    do you do this by yourself ?


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