
Sunday, 17 April 2011

Busy making Pumpkins and Cheese

Busy making Pumpkins and Cheese. The pumpkins are much larger than what i normaly make, although not too big! They still suit 1:12 perfectly. Some have faces, some with have just the stalk at the top and others will have leaves and a stalk. Ive tried to make the shapes of each less balanced to make them look more of a natural shape although this is proving difficult for those with faces... will keep trying. I think its me being too neat a person that stops this happening, so trying my hardest to be more free and go with what happens.

I'm also making cheese as showing in the second pic... nothing much to show other than blobs for the cheese so far. Making Cheddars, Stilton, red Leicester, various crumby cheeses, and other British cheeses not so well know. Plus some British cheese with cranberries and the like. Some of the cheese will be for a friend but i do plan to sell a few batches myself. I've not made cheese for years in miniature and last time i made them my skill were much less so hopefully these will be better than those i made years ago. Will start thinking about these more tomorrow once Ive finished shaping the pumpkins.

Kind of found it difficult to get back into working with clay. It was almost like id forgot how to do stuff, but slowly its coming back to me. Getting used to my tools again and remembering how i worked in the past will take time i suppose. I made the little bits and bobs in the background to get used to this again.

Will pop back in a few days when I'm further along.

Nikki xxx



  1. Love the new natural pumpkins! I'm happy to see you back in minis. Missed you here. Love the felt, but love this side of your talent too, Nikki!

  2. It makes me happy to see you playing with clay :)

  3. Fantastic news Nikki! I love the pumpkins. I made my first pumpkins last night too, they are not very good but you got to start somewhere :)

    Victoria ❤

  4. Wow! SO GLAD to see you back at miniatures! I missed seeing your spectacular work! Super!! :-)
    ~ Deb

  5. It's so cool to see your pumpkins in the making. I love what you do!!! =)

  6. MORE!!!!!! Looking forward to seeing these finished Nikki! Kate xx

  7. You are so awesome. Glad you're doing minis again. It's good to have something to switch up with. Felting, minis. Minis, felting. Yay!

  8. Nikki,

    I love the pumpkins. Their faces are just perfect and you are right about them being unsymmetrical, when they start growing bigger they get all lopsided and lumpy.

  9. Hi Nikki! I was showing a friend your site today and realised that you are back! Yey... I remember I started to cry when you announced to us that you was quiting, and today happytears came streaming down. Looking forward to see all of you amazing minis and the inspiration you give others.
    The perfect ting to say is:

    "Welcome Home"



  10. So glad to see you back Nikki. Was terrified when you left! Couldn't imagine a life without clay!! :-) Your pumpkins are adorable as usual. No sign, that you have been away.

  11. Ha ha, there you are again! Wish I could do that, your pumpkins look great, even though they are not ready!
    * marlies


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